Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Manufactures

PCC stands for Precipitated Calcium Carbonate—also known as purified, refined or synthetic calcium carbonate.

What Is Unique About A Precipitated Calcium Carbonate?

The different shapes allow PCC to act as a functional additive in sealants, adhesives, plastics, rubber, inks, paper, pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements and many other demanding applications
In the PCC process, products can be made with very small sizes, with high surface areas, high oil absorptions, and/or with different powder bulk densities— from ultra-low  to super-high powder densities. Precipitate Calcium carbonate is manufactured by calcinations of selected best quality limestone with hightest percentage of calcium carbonate with low magnesia, Silica, Iron & other natural impurities. Oxide so obtained is slacked to produce lime solution and further carbonated into precipitated calcium carbonate in controlled conditions.

PCC is widely used in industries like

Paper : PCC is perfect for filling papers where maximum light scattering (opacity and brightness) and bulk are desired. It is ideal for improving machine runnabilty and sheet closure while enhancing scattering with reduced strength loss. This product provides superior stiffness and strength, enhances coated papers where higher brightness and gloss is desired, optimizes the printing performance of coated papers by providing smooth and opaque surfaces for clear, sharp color printing.
Adhesives & Sealants : PCC as a rheological additive provides viscosity, thixotropy, shear thinning, and yield value for economical control of slump, sag, and extrusion or spray-application rates.
Paint and Coatings : It is most commonly used in paint as an extender for titanium dioxide, or TiO2. The small and narrowly distributed PCC particles help space the individual TiO2 particles and maximize their hiding power. This extension of the prime white pigment can improve opacity and reduce cost.
Pharmaceuticals  : In pharmaceutical applications, the most common use of calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in calcium-based antacids. Calcium carbonate is a rapid and effective acid neutralizer that is also economical to use. During fermentation of antibiotics, precipitated calcium carbonate is added to help control and buffer the pH of the broth. When fermentation is complete, PCC is added as a flocculent, to help clarification and filtration. A high surface area grade is normally used to provide the maximum area for absorption and for rapid reaction.
Plastics : Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) products including ultrafine particles in the nano rang which are highly functional additives that provide superior impact strength in rigid or unplasticized PVC resin systems. Their uses include window profiles, fencing, siding, thermoforming, calendared stock and foamed PVC. They are also useful as thickening and gloss-producing minerals in unsaturated polyesters.